
~ 预定 190107 2042 发布



Tasks 任务

~ 记述关键共怼任务 (如果没有, 留空)

propose 号召

  • |蠎周刊 |汇集全球蠎事儿 !-)
    • 俺私人嗯哼了5年了
    • 邀请大家一起来, 每周嗯哼
  • 每周例怼后, 无论是否列席, 大家都在 故事->怼印象 中追加当周 top3 感触

Progress 进展

~ 整体圈内活跃指标情况(st 专用服务, 尚少使用手册)

du4proto weekly activity:

total commit: 14

top5 git commiter

gen. 190107 164447.493 (by git4ActivityZer v190106.1732)

GitHub   : ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 10.00
qilin    : ▇▇▇ 3.00 
chaozding: ▇ 1.00

GitHub? 应该是 TAG 行为在仓库中的嗯哼

git commiter daily chart

gen. 190107 164447.582 (by git4ActivityZer v190106.1732)

2018-12-24: ▇ 1.00 
2018-12-25: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 7.00 
2018-12-31: ▇▇▇ 3.00 
2019-01-05: ▇▇▇ 3.00
  • 可见, 在仓库中进行提交的行为几乎停滞了...
  • 虽然, Issue 等等,还在进行...
  • 看来, 选择太多就等于没选择, 需要指派具体任务了...

Achievements 成果

~ 各种成品/半成品 内部知识作品

Excluding merges, 6 authors have pushed 2 commits to master and 9 commits to all branches. On master, 2 files have changed and there have been 171 additions and 81 deletions.

5 Issues closed by 2 people

4 Unresolved conversations

Sometimes conversations happen on old items that aren't yet closed. Here is a list of all the Issues and Pull Requests with unresolved conversations.

## Stories 故事 ~ ... ### impression 怼印象 ~ 例怼中感触最嗯哼的 top3 感想 - `( ̄▽ ̄)`: + 冲动哪同时上几个课程的怼友们, 何时能承认不是超人 + 蠎营开营后, 同时又是怼友的, 可能就感觉有点儿错乱, 每周会被大妈公开嗯哼两次? + 语音实在神奇, 一开声氛围就不同的怼员有几个, 期待主动当主持 - 🐧 + dora: 职业岗位犯错超过3次,基本就失去信任了,所以要慎之又慎 * 又一次职场协作推动,和俺过去一年的努力是一样的... * 拿到问题, 找到 top3, 放半年, 不断找方案,等成熟了找准机会找对接人 * 尽量一击必中 + fensis * 问题:被课程牵着走 * 蛮惊奇这么多人是为了上课而上课,似乎没有主线 * 自省习惯:对自己的资源精力,节奏完全没有概念 * 大妈的解决方案:多接触一下,慢慢就找到自己适合哪类了 + lichuan * 有一套做事的体系 * 数据才是决策的基础 ## Recommedations 推荐 ~ 嗯哼各种怼路上发现的嗯哼... - 是也乎: + [蠎加载 184 |蠎周刊 |汇集全球蠎事儿 !-)](http://weekly.pychina.org/importpython/importpython-184.html) ## Postscript 后记 ~ 怼周刊是什么以及为什么和能怎么... 大妈曰过: `参差多态 才是生机` 问题在 `参差` 的行为是无法形成团队的 Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success! <--- [Henry Ford](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henryford121997.html) - 所以, 有了 大妈 随见随怼的持续嗯哼... - 但是, 想象一年后, 回想几十周前自己作的那些 `图样图森破` - 却没现成的资料来出示给后进来嗯哼? - 不科学, 值得记录的, 就应当有个形式固定下来 - 所以,有了这个 `怼周刊` (Weekly 4 DU) What is DUW? Why we make DUW? What are the possibilities of DUW? Dama said, variety brings vitality. But various behaviors may make us hard to cooperate as a team. Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success! <--- [Henry Ford](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henryford121997.html) That's why Dama keeps on debugging. However, as time goes by, maybe you would not remember these days clearly and spread your experience difficultly. What a pity! The valuable should have a fixed form to be recorded. That's why we make the Weekly for DU.
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