~ 预定 18.10.29 20:20 发布
- 主编: 大妈
- 责编:
Timelines 进度¶
~ 记录当周关键事件日期+证据链接
Tasks 任务¶
~ 记述关键共怼任务 (如果没有, 留空)
propose 号召¶
- |蠎周刊 |汇集全球蠎事儿 !-)
- 俺私人嗯哼了5年了
- 邀请大家一起来, 每周嗯哼
- 每周例怼后, 无论是否列席, 大家都在
中追加当周 top3 感触
Progress 进展¶
~ 整体圈内活跃指标情况(st 专用服务, 尚少使用手册)
allcic Commit | times | weekly Commit | times |
ZoomQuiet | 580 | NIL | NIL |
liguanghe | 525 | NIL | NIL |
leilayanhui | 467 | NIL | NIL |
zhangshiyinrunwithcc | 464 | NIL | NIL |
zoejane | 377 | NIL | NIL |
mxclover | 240 | NIL | NIL |
all Commit | Comments times | weekly Commit | Comments times |
ZoomQuiet | 177 | NIL | NIL |
zhangshiyinrunwithcc | 59 | NIL | NIL |
zoejane | 36 | NIL | NIL |
bambooom | 23 | NIL | NIL |
mxclover | 20 | NIL | NIL |
NBR-hugh | 19 | NIL | NIL |
all Issue | Comments times | weekly Issue | Comments times |
liguanghe | 901 | NIL | NIL |
ZoomQuiet | 679 | NIL | NIL |
zhangshiyinrunwithcc | 417 | NIL | NIL |
NBR-hugh | 239 | NIL | NIL |
zoejane | 178 | NIL | NIL |
mxclover | 121 | NIL | NIL |
Achievements 成果¶
~ 各种成品/半成品 内部知识作品
Stories 故事¶
~ 收集各自无法雷同的怼圈真人故事...
impression 怼印象¶
~ 例怼中感触最嗯哼的 top3 感想
( ̄▽ ̄)
:- fiefie 首次单口, 虽然有空窗, 但是,大气...
- 大家都没准备? 应该不是, 只是想听回怼?
live 怼生活¶
~ 生活中带有怼范的各种 (投稿后可同时沉淀到 wiki 的2.5 怼生活下)
Recommedations 推荐¶
~ 嗯哼各种怼路上发现的嗯哼...
Postscript 后记¶
~ 怼周刊是什么以及为什么和能怎么...
大妈曰过: 参差多态 才是生机
问题在 参差
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
<--- Henry Ford
- 所以, 有了 大妈 随见随怼的持续嗯哼...
- 但是, 想象一年后, 回想几十周前自己作的那些
- 却没现成的资料来出示给后进来嗯哼?
- 不科学, 值得记录的, 就应当有个形式固定下来
- 所以,有了这个
(Weekly 4 DU)
What is DUW? Why we make DUW? What are the possibilities of DUW?
Dama said, variety brings vitality. But various behaviors may make us hard to cooperate as a team.
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
<--- Henry Ford
That's why Dama keeps on debugging. However, as time goes by, maybe you would not remember these days clearly and spread your experience difficultly. What a pity! The valuable should have a fixed form to be recorded. That's why we make the Weekly for DU.
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