~ 预定 18.4.9 10:00 发布
Slack齐分享,又见讨论爆棚时 Issue纷纷刷,正逢新年忙气象
招新落定,新怼年始成,引定场诗源 周会重启,新老怼员入场,自怼花园欢乐多
- 主编: 大妈
- 责编:
- 新老怼友一起来
进度 Timelines¶
42h [ANN] 表决提议 - 是否结束怼圈本期招新 · Issue #376 · DebugUself/du4proto
任务 Tasks¶
1w[ASK]新怼问题集结,怎样快速榨干老怼 · Issue #377 · DebugUself/du4proto 2w[ASK] 如何合理的嗯哼掉(怼圈)积累的资料 · Issue #374 · DebugUself/du4proto 2w[新怼友]任务0 · Issue #372 · DebugUself/du4proto
进展 Progress¶
allcic Commit | times | weekly Commit | times |
ZoomQuiet | 546 | zoejane | 21 |
liguanghe | 506 | ZoomQuiet | 4 |
zhangshiyinrunwithcc | 464 | Hugo1030 | 1 |
leilayanhui | 397 | OMlalala | 1 |
zoejane | 366 | mxclover | 1 |
成果 Achievements¶
~ 各种成品/半成品 内部知识作品
- [RDD] 儿童防丢失指北 · Issue #378 · DebugUself/du4proto
- 5d [ANN] ReportBot 报告生成小助手发布 (附彩蛋:大妈嗯哼合集) · Issue #373 · DebugUself/du4proto
故事 Stories¶
~ 收集各自无法雷同的怼圈真人故事...
Via slack @苏敏
昨晚读 Paul Graham 的"永远质疑",他是德韦克的成长心智的鲜活例证,这篇文章节选自阮一峰翻译的"黑客与画家",读过阮一峰的技术博客,又看了一篇他写的"巨流河"书摘,去翻书架上的"巨流河",下面摘一段齐邦媛"巨流河":我认为在南开中学已满百年的历史中,家长名单似乎更为精采,几乎可以自成一本近代史. 最早的梁启超,袁世凯,黎元洪,段祺瑞,胡适,张学良,张自忠,翁文澈,汪精卫等. 齐邦媛的老师有朱光潜,同学有马寅初,傅作义女儿. 董桥晚年想找人吃饭,找的朋友就是齐邦媛先生. 又想起潘石屹晒30分钟的平板时,旁边支着的是骆家辉.
Via slack @大妈
Via slack @大妈
推荐 Recommedations¶
~ 嗯哼各种怼路上发现的嗯哼...
后记 Postscript¶
~ 怼周刊是什么以及为什么和能怎么...
大妈曰过: 参差多态 才是生机
问题在 参差
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
<--- Henry Ford
- 所以, 有了 大妈 随见随怼的持续嗯哼...
- 但是, 想象一年后, 回想几十周前自己作的那些
- 却没现成的资料来出示给后进来嗯哼?
- 不科学, 值得记录的, 就应当有个形式固定下来
- 所以,有了这个
(Weekly 4 DU)
What is DUW? Why we make DUW? What are the possibilities of DUW?
Dama said, variety brings vitality. But various behaviors may make us hard to cooperate as a team.
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success!
<--- Henry Ford
That's why Dama keeps on debugging. However, as time goes by, maybe you would not remember these days clearly and spread your experience difficultly. What a pity! The valuable should have a fixed form to be recorded. That's why we make the Weekly for DU.
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